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MSG and Autism

We just heard about this mother’s experience with her daughter who was autistic and the results following MSG elimination.  The link is here.


Hi Debby,
Congratulations on a fantastic website. I have taken msg & artificial sugars out of the diet of my 2 boys (Luke 6yrs Downs & Jack 5yrs Autistic) and myself, 18 months ago. You won't need me to tell you the difference that it has made to us all. In the UK, the support group that I am involved in, Allergy Induced Autism, recommends that msg & artificial sugars be taken out of the child's diet immediately. All who do this, report wonderful things. Keep battling away. It is much appreciated.
With thanks & best wishes,
A friend in the United Kingdom who wishes to remain anonymous


I have asked this delightful mother to send more information about her son's autism and I will post more as it is received. She is an activist, author, and has given media interviews concerning autism and diet.


A February 2007 news release has validated what we have been suggesting for years. A Canadian team has lead research that has involved 120 scientists from 19 countries and 50 institutions. Studied were the genetic codes of 1168 families, each of which had at least two autistic sufferers. In the analysis, researchers implicated the gene neurexin 1 on chromosome 2, and a sequence on chromosome 11. They code for glutamate synapses and receptors and transport proteins that deal directly with glutamate's use as a neurotransmitter. The study mentions glutamate's role in wiring the brain during early fetal development and its ability to elevate neuronal activity. Neurexin 1 is specifically believed to be involved in glutamate synapses, and the section of chromosome 11 has been linked to proteins that ferry glutamate across synapses. A combination of mutations in any of these genes could contribute to the likelihood of being born with autism. Competing theories linking autism to environmental factors persist. One such theory that the report mentioned, linked mercury in childhood vaccines. In a recent e-mail from Jack Samuels discussing these new findings with me, he said, "While everyone is looking for a connection of mercury to autism, the following referenced article should have encouraged scientists to look for a possible connection of the ever increasing use of free glutamic acid (MSG) in our food supply.": Paschner et al. ("Methylmercury alters glutamate transport in astrocytes." Neurochem Int. Aug-Sep, 200; 37 (23): 199-206). It states, "In the absence of glutamate, neurons are unaffected by acute exposure to mercury... Co-application of nontoxic concentrations of methylmercury and glutamate leads to typical appearance of neuronal lesions associated with excitotoxic stimulation (Matyja and Albrecht 1993.)" Although ethylmercury was used in some vaccines, it is Jack's understanding that it would have the same effect as methylmercury. Glutamate was present in many childhood vaccines where mercury was also present. I agree with Jack Samuels when he says, "One must ask if autism is directly related to a genetic defect (above) or if a predisposition for autism is inherited, a predisposition that is activated due to the ever increasing amount of processed free glutamic acid and aspartame that pregnant women are exposed to." Keep in mind, in the last 10 years, the number of diagnosed cases of autism has increased ten-fold. And as Carol Hoernlein posted on our board at, many autistic children share many of the symptoms we (MSG reactive individuals) suffer. "20% have epilepsy. Many have food sensitivities, hyperactivity, sensitivity to light, sound, pain. They throw tantrums, have digestive distress." This comes as vindication after decades of being told that MSG (glutamate) sensitivity was "all in our heads." We look forward to more research and answers with excitement and hope.

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